Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Staying Cool

Last week was brutal.  The crazy heat and humidity made us all crabby.  Personally, I don't enjoy walking a block and having to wipe the sweat beading above my lip.  Not pleasant.  We did, however, figure out where all the shaded parks were.  Along with watering all the flowers *ahem* I mean rocks, out back.  The hose is a marvelous thing!  Madeleine is eating tomatoes and olives like a champ.  Summer is always good eating--Jersey tomatoes, peaches, corn, fresh basil, beets!

We are moving this coming weekend.  And, although we're only moving across the street, I'm still up late at night, pondering all the things that I need to do to get us settled.  The kiddos are dealing with it the best they can.  Like dogs, they sense the change, and get nervous.  They don't know why they're crabby and clingy, but they are.  I've discovered, when all else fails, just lay in the middle of the floor.  They will immediately stop their clamoring and whining and happily crawl all over you--Mama, you're the best toy ever.  Even if it last only five minutes, those happy moments, are worth it. 

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

i get frustrated when i need a shower after getting dressed after a shower and how lucky kids are to play with hoses. why can't we run under a sprinkler?

good luck with the move - packing is packing and i hope you're going to a new place with more room to lay on the floor. love your summer photos & those cute faces. xo, c