Friday, April 4, 2014

Utterly Delightful

Right now Madeleine is walking around in Andrew's Navy Officer hat, looking adorable.  William is talking about his birthday baseball game--the Pawtucket Red Soxs in June--in Rhode Island (have I told you about that adventure yet?).  Andrew is chilling with a dark beer--the Kilty Pleasure and a Disney cartoon (William's pick, not his).  And I'm utterly delighted in the fact that I get to post a picture of M and William holding hands.  After a year of pushing and shoving and way too much crying, they're friends.  They are buddies.  And, we're slowing trying to instill a desire to protect and cherish each other.  I love that. 

Tulips and daffodils are pushing through the soft, wet earth.  Spring is here.  I went for a long walk at dusk last night and smelled worms.  This is something my mom and I share--our ability to smells worms.  It's probably just the ability to smell damp earth.  But, it's spring.  And utterly delightful!


Jill said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely post. The colors are wonderful . . . Hopefully we'll be seeing some of that color here soon.

Victoria Strauser said...

i can see, and smell it all thru your words!