Monday, April 28, 2014


She loved bright colors.  Fancy shoes.  Black tea.  And Florida sunshine.  She had such fine, elegant, scripty handwriting--I adored it.  And she left the most bland, boring messages on our answering machine.  My grandmother.  My heart aches.  Right here, in my chest.  We lost her Saturday, after a quick and unexpected trip to the hospital.  Her body just tuckered out and she slipped away, peacefully.  Gratefully, she had lived her life fully, joyously, to the last.  But, it was sudden.  And I'm walking around feeling like it couldn't possibly true.  Aches.  I could try and explain it, but, words fail me and I'm left with the simple: she was special to me.  Oh, the ache.

I'm always amazed how life springs forth, even amidst sadness and loss.  Like all of my grandmother's beautiful energy has surged into the flowers and green things.  I'll keep that image in my pocket as I drive to Michigan. 


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

So sorry for your loss Julia. Hugs. xo

Jill said...

Dear Julia and family, I am so sorry for your loss - your gramma was a special, special person. So generous and full of life. Sending love and sympathy.

One Sister Two Sister said...

I am sorry Julia, hold your memories close.