Thursday, March 13, 2014


Plumeria.  For the longest time, it was just a scent at Bath and Body Works.  A cloying, overwhelmingly pink, fragrance.  Then, I go to Maui and see them growing on trees, filling the air with tropical sweetness.  Changed my world. 

We've reached that super ugly part of winter.  When the snow is actually clumps of dirty ice on the curbs, buds on the trees are just starting to plump up, and green is something you only see in the flower section of the grocery store.  We've had a few nice days--I'm positive I could smell spring on it's way.  But, then we're hit with another arctic blast and I have to turn the oven on to keep the kitchen warm.  I'll bake lavender scones later--once I can feel my toes again.

I'm in the beginning stages of a few new creative adventures.  A website for Red Otter Photography.  New custom silhouettes for my photo albums and guest books (really excited about these).  New guest books, jotter sets, and postcard sets of my photos!  I'm eager to create, eager to post, eager to collaborate with family, friends, and customers.  Although, I sometimes feel like I'm juggling a few more balls than I can handle--darling friends, do forgive my lack of communication/play dates.  The undulations of life, no doubt!

Sending you love,


Jill said...

Wedding photography is a perfect expansion of your creative skills. How wonderful! You take such beautiful pictures. I can't wait to see more.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Congratulations girlie! The site looks great and I love that you are putting your amazing photography skills to work for you.