Tuesday, December 3, 2013


William is on the verge of giving up his naps.  I can hear him bouncing up and down in his crib, having a conversation involving Kitty, Chester, and Kipper Doggy.  "Kitty, you okay? Kiss your boo-boos?" Life with babies, kiddos, growing, changing, developing little people, is that your world is constantly changing.  Shifting.  Evolving.  It's hard to hold gently.  It's hard not craving the security of a known routine or habit.  But, that's not how it works.  You center yourself--however you do--and let the world move you however it needs to.  As beautiful and startling as the seasons changing.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Well said, Julia. Beautiful image. I love those delicate, fluffy fronds of grass. They are surprisingly strong, too.