Monday, October 21, 2013


Pumpkins!  Heaps and bunches of them.  Bright orange pumpkins the size of Madeleine.  And muted green pumpkins next to warty peach colored pumpkins.  Crazy!  These pictures were taken the other week.  As there were a mountain of them to go through, they took a while for me to post.  The babies and I started the day out with a box of doughnut holes, then met up with our good friends and their little boy.  We hiked and explored all over Maple Acres.  Met turkeys and friendly tractor drivers.  William helped me pick apples for our fruit bowl at home while Madeleine secretly stuffed flowers into her pockets.  I think we were fairly mud-encrusted by the end of it all.  I had to literally round the babies up to get them back to the car--they had no desire to leave. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

Looks like a fun family outing - thanks for sharing!