Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Monday

My thoughts are a bit scattered this morning.  Lack of sleep and a full weekend does that.  The babes and I spent a lot of time outside this weekend--balmy as it was--visiting the park, the pond, the over-sized, yellow forklift (huge delight for a pint-size William).  I cooked and baked my way through naps, visited with family from out-of-town and even finished printing my Christmas cards.  Madeleine was introduced to Sophie, the giraffe.  They made instant friends.  Madeleine was also introduced to Shirley, the grandma from the neighboring table at the pizzeria last night.  M wished Shirley a happy birthday, in her fat-hand-face-pat-type of way!  Babies, the key to any social situation. 

So, although I'm tired, scattered, and fuzzy around the edges, it's going to be a good day... I just know it!

Happy Monday, all!


PS The happiest of birthdays to my dear, dear sister Megan!  We love you heaps!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy Monday, friend!! xoxoxo