Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dreaming of a simpler life

I'm doing a lot of sitting lately. Quietly. Peacefully. Minding that my little one doesn't fall off the couch or upend the Christmas tree, again. I'm starting to re-read the Harry Potter books--magic is always appreciated at Christmas time. I'm feeling the growing pains of baby number two. He/she is so peaceful in the mornings but by the time dinner rolls around I feel like it's taking me out to dance the tango, on a rocking, rolling boat, during a storm (I'm green). Not pleasant. In January we find out if we're having a girl or a boy (I'm due at the end of May)! Sometimes I miss the productivity of my time pre-pregnancy, but my mother is so good about reminding me that I'm working very hard on something--growing a baby is hard work!

I hadn't realized how long it had been since I sat down to post here. Or how long it had been since I last journalled. Time slips away so quickly. And when you're not feeling well (pregnancy and I don't agree, it seems) all your energy is put towards simply functioning and not burning down the apartment. At the end of the day I look at my list of things to do and shudder. I'm trying not to make lists right now. But, we're still cooking, baking, walking, playing and singing Christmas carols galore. So, I guess that's a good sign.

I woke up this morning dreaming about Duluth. Sitting on the shoreline watching the waves quietly roll in. Lake Superior is beautiful in the winter. In the late afternoons, when the sky turns pinky-purple, and it's so cold your eye lashes freeze to your cheek, it's magic. I'm craving a simpler life right now--which is laughable as it's very simple right now. But I'm actually drawn to fewer options, places where your money can stretch further, the joys of home life more appreciated. Maybe that's why I'm dreaming of Duluth. Regardless, it's a beautiful image to tuck into my pocket this morning.


Images are re-posted from Oct. 9 2009


AnnaVallance said...

Congratulations on your good news!

Cindy said...

congratulations on sweet baby number two sweet girl! being a mom is the hardest job on the planet, so don't forget that. it's important work, too. enjoy your weekend! xo, c

Anna @ IHOD said...

It sounds like you are craving a small town like the one we were living in last year. I loved how you could walk everywhere, knew the postman, and could get a good sized house for a fraction of what it costs here in atlanta. I learned so much there, and always looking to keep my life simple!

Victoria Strauser said...

I love those images - both your chosen photos, and the images of Duluth. Hang in there!

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Dreaming of a simpler life
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