Sunday, March 6, 2011


A few weeks ago Amy posted this scrumptious recipe on her blog! Wow--I've tried quite a few granola recipes and have had both extremes: soupy, buttery mess to drier than dust oatmeal. Yeah, it didn't matter how much honey I added or didn't. But, this one was simple and allowed for tweaks here and there without completely destroying it. It's fabulous with yogurt and dried cherries!


Unknown said...

Ahh, thanks for the tip! I also love granola, but have never been able to perfect it! xxx

ThePeachTree said...

Why didn't I think of adding it to yogurt! You astound me :) Thank you so much sweetie and so glad you liked it!

Emily said...

Love the idea of making homemade granola!!

fergus said...

Otters are the ancestors of modern day seals,and they are also number one on the menu list for willy the orca!hahahaha