Monday, December 20, 2010

Solo Hike

I went for a solo hike on Saturday--left the boys to hang out, play with monkeys and lions--you know, the usual. There are a number of trails on the Wissahickon that I haven't had the opportunity to explore, so I picked a route and set off! Sometimes I forget how vital the woods are to me. How rejuvenated I feel when I'm next to a bubbling creek. Or how comforted I am by the resin-like smell of pine needles drying in the sun. I don't ever talk about God here--mostly due to the fact that I wouldn't consider myself a religious person. But, when I'm standing beneath a huge beech tree, dwarfed by it height and girth, or feel the cool, crisp quiet of an empty wooded trail, I can't help but feel God. Whatever it is, however it moves and breaths--I feel it most keenly in the woods. By the water. In the quiet.


Emily said...

Love solo moments in the woods! Glad you got this time for yourself - what a lovely description!

Joyce said...

A great walk to feel connected and peace. Enjoy my friend! xo

Rachel Follett said...

I miss trekking through the woods. Love the colors in these photos!

Cindy said...

it looks lovely, but please be careful by yourself!

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

Time for quiet reflection in the stillness of nature... yes. I can feel whatever God is in those moments, too. Nature is certainly awe-inspiring.

Wishing you and your boys the very best for 2011, Julia.

much love,

Jessica said...

beautiful...I can just imagine the serenity. I absolutely love winter hikes--the silence is amazing

russian women said...

Excellent photos. Thank you, it was very interestingly.

y8 said...

I miss trekking through the woods. Love the colors in these photos!