Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

I'll let these speak for themselves this morning! Each one is important to me, especially in this coming year. I've always loved the new year because of it's introspectiveness. I'm going to make myself another cup of earl grey and sit down with my journal and start scribbling about these precious things I want to incorporate into my life--some are already here, in my life, but I want them more so. I have faults a plenty, things I need to do better, or should do altogether. But, today is about bringing in the new year with fullness and gratitude. And for me, that's focusing on health, simplicity, travel, meditation, order and being.

Much love to you today as we celebrate this new year!

images from ngoc minh ngo


Rachel said...

Lovely images and thoughts. I'm going to spend some time thinking this morning as well, to get my mind in order for the new year.

Samosas for One said...

Happy New Year!

Genie Sea said...

May the New year bring abundant health, greater simplicity, exciting travel, restorative meditation, peaceful order, and complete being!

Coming to your blog, I feel all those things beaming through.

I adore Earl Grey tea!

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely first morning of the year! I love these thoughts and images. Enjoy your tea.

Sarah said...

Simplicity...that is a brilliant resolution.

Anonymous said...

I love your entire list, and the photos are so pretty. Happy New Year to you, Julia! My list consists of everything you've mentioned as well.

Anonymous said...

Beautifulo pictures and wonderful resolutions, I like it!

Happy 2009!

dee said...

These resolutions are perfect. I'm going to just copy yours because I didn't really take the time to make up my own and, well, yours are spot on! Thanks Julia;) Happy new year!

Cindy said...

one day at a time dear jewels. i love your resolutions and the images. i'd really love to travel this year, i hope we do. i also admire your journaling. blogging is the closest i've ever gotten to actually writing down my thoughts. happy new year! xo, c

Unknown said...

Happy New Year dear Julia! I know it will be a fabulous one for you. You are so tuned in with what you need and want in life, I know you are sure to get it!

xo Mary Jo

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

I'm definitely focusing on organizing right now. They, when I'm organized, I'll be able to tackle other things! Happy new year!

lotta said...

Happy new year, Julia. Remember to let the resolutions just guide you, and rejoice in all the wonderfulness you already have within. Thanks again for your nice comments, encouragements, and friendship this past year. XXOO.

yasmine said...

eep! happy new year julia!!! 09 will be awesome, i know it!

wishing you lots of prosperity and peace my dear.


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

these are so beautiful and i found them amazingly refreshing and calming. happy new year!

Amber said...

What a wonderful New Year's Day post :)

dojski said...

I so love this post, Jewels!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a beautiful and inspiring post. It was just so lovely scrolling down the page and letting the photographs speak to me. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Really enjoy the pics and your post! Hope your day is peaceful...

Sending you love!

Miss | A said...

what beautiful inspiring photos and words you have carefully picked. I love it all.

Callie Grayson said...

okay, we are on the same brain waves.
I was just looking at this photographers work this morning! love her stuff, and now I am catching up on my blog reading .....I look at your posts and here she is!

●• Thereza said...

positive resolutions lists, words, are a great way to start a new year, new cycle...
best of everything for you this year darling!!!!

pve design said...

Love, Life, Learning and Lavishness would be my images. Journaling is a great way to realize your hopes and dreams.
(oh and a bit of "Laziness" too would be an image.) We all need lazy time.

littlebyrd said...

It's a marvelous list you've put together here. Happy New Year!

Leah said...

beautiful imagery. with your words, it's like a fabulous vision board for the year!

happy new year, gorgeous!!

Christy said...

Lovely images to contemplate in the new year! May you be blessed abundantly this year!

Unknown said...

Happy - albeit a bit belated - New Year!! Best wishes for 2009, Marisa

Joslyn said...

i love this...what a perfect approach to "resolutions"

Anonymous said...

oooohhhh beautiful post and gorgeous images!!! a very happy new year to you!!! wishing you all of these things and more!!! all that your heart desires!!!

mmmmmm earl grey tea... my favorite tea of the moment is a vanilla rooibos, mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm!!! hee hee!!!


::::Lula Boutique:::: said...

Just beautiful! I can relate to everything you have posted! :)