Thursday, December 13, 2007

My wee little world

I've decided to share a little bit more about my wee little life here in Wisconsin!

About a year and a half ago I picked up a small leafy plant for my office. I brought him home in a plastic bag, transplanted him into a ceramic pot and christened him Charlie. We can't have pets for a variety of reasons: my allergies, apartment rules, and Andrew. Andrew's against the idea of having a pet, whether its a puppy or a fish. I wish it twernt so, but it is. So, I bought a plant. I will admit that I talk to it when I'm watering it, and believe it suffers pouting fits when you move it. Beyond that, I'm not that pathetic. Really. I've expanded my collection of little green friends. Here are some pansies and a pot of jade. They don't have names. Yet.

Another aspect of my life is my desperate need to go for long walks, regardless of weather, nearly every day. I believe it keeps me sane. I also believe it will end up saving our marriage, my job, and relative peace in our small world. It helps me get out of my little bubble for a few moments and opens up to the possibility of seeing the world differently. Even if it is for a few miles or minutes. These are my red boots that help with this daily ritual, at least in the winter time! They're a bit dirty, but they've got great traction. Love that traction!

Books, of course.

My little mound of inspiration. Antique cigar boxes found in a smoke shop in Edinburgh. A beautiful smooth rock from the shores of Lake Superior. A pewter jewelry box from a girlfriend when I graduated high school. A dried seed pod my mother found and then gave me (I love it's design). And a small letter-pressed note card I bought in a shop down town Madison! My little pile of sweet nothings!


marsha said...

thanks for sharing those very private pictures and letting your readers into your life ... it's very touching!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait until i get my own digital camera and can do blogs like this :)