Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Morning light

Morning light.  Red Otter packages waiting to be shipped.  Supplies.  Pride and Prejudice.  And Spiderman.  Oh, and coffee.  Always, coffee.  My babies like to sleep, god bless them!  So, I have roughly two hours in the morning, after Madeleine's 6AM feed, to catch up on so many little bits of life, before William is up and eager for breakfast.  It's really the only way I can handle a small business and two little ones.  Those two hours and then a smidgen of time in the evenings, if Andrew has homework.  I love pulling the blinds open, watching the sky turn pink over the grey stone building across the street.  I love that it's so quiet, restful and peaceful!  I even have time to journal, if I'm lucky. 


Callie Grayson said...

what a great snippet of your morning routine!!!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

ahhh I remember those days when I enjoyed the quiet of the morning, when my babies were asleep too! time passes by too fast Julia. seize the day! xo

Victoria Strauser said...

You do a lot for a mom with 2 little ones! So glad you're keeping up your shop!