This goes into my "Someday" image folder. You know that folder, I'm sure you have one too. The one with pictures of spacious kitchens and deliciously organized, color-coated craft spaces. The one with cupboards filled with pretty china and ceramic bowls and glazed chocolate cakes on the counter. The folder you keep images of pink soft light floating into a cozy den with plaid pillows and fluffy rugs by the hearth. When you have a free moment, you'll have to tell me what's in yours!
Image source unknown
My someday folder is filled to the top with all kinds of ideas. I categorize mine by room...when i want to take a walk through pretty kitchens i just open that folder :)
I like the idea of a someday folder, have not started one on a computer but we certainly did have one with cut out pictures from house and design magazines when we started renovating our house in Malta. Fond memories of cozying up on the sofa with my husband through the rainy winter nights in England glasses of sherry and magazines strewn about. Gathering ideas, making the most with small spaces.
I SO have a someday folder, clippings from old Martha Stewart's and Real Simples. Images I hope to one day bring to life in my own house!
yes, I do have a someday folder too. filled with white, clean rooms, vintage colorful cups of tea, multicolored pillows and delicious table settings... I would call it dreamy folder too... happy monday, darling! xo
Oh yea. I have lots of things in my someday/ideas folder.
I hope you and the babe are well!
Such a great name for a place to pop all the "oneday, someday" things. Mine's not just full of design ideas, but where to live, the garden, my clothes...
mine is very big! We did recently get some 'someday' wallpaper that had been in my folder for a long time which was great. I hope your family are all well
: )
i'm just about done going through the last ten years of martha stewart living magazines for tear sheets, so you can imagine what my file looks like. mostly all magazines without the ads. xo, c
I have a someday file cabinet. Well, not an entire cabinet, but one entire drawer! My someday folders are all labeled by room or event or whatnot. And they are bursting with inspiration. I wish my bank account was bursting too. But for now I'll just take comfort in knowing the images are there and I can look at them again and again.
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