Hello there! I just wanted to check in--I know I've been absent of late and that always seems suspicious when the blog author is 9 months pregnant. William has not arrived... yet! I'm moving right along though--I have a funny feeling he might make an early entrance. Or maybe that's just what I'm hoping as being this cumbersome in June is not pleasant, not pleasant at all. I have my bags packed, his sleeping area set up and a pack of diapers all ready--okay, side note: newborn diapers are the most adorable things, ever! I'm keeping busy making books, going for mini-walks, and watching copious amounts of movies. By the way, let me know if you see anything good or have a favorite, I'm always updating my Netflix que!
I'm not sure how frequently I'll be updating my blog these next few weeks as I seem to be drawing all of my energy inward--but I'll try and keep you posted, especially if anything exciting happens!
All my love,
Image from James Merrell
I wondered if maybe your little guy had arrived! Enjoy these last few moments before you enter the realm of motherhood! As for movie suggestions, I love to watch old movies in the summer - I just purchased In the Good Old Summertime with Judy Garland and it is such a sweet film! Also, an old favorite, Bringing Up Baby, and musicals like South Pacific, Carousel, and Funny Girl are always enjoyable! Take care! xo
I too wondered if maybe William had made his arrival. You just rest up and do whatever your heart desires. You will be plenty busy in a while. Do however-stop by for my special give-away! I am looking forward to that first little image of this very special little guy! Rest easy darlin'.
you're on my google reader list, and i just wondered a couple of hours ago whether young william was on his way. good luck julia - sounds like you're well prepared!
so exciting! thinking of you and looking forward to hearing the news...
I also wondered if William was here. I do understand about drawing all your energy inward. This is such an exciting time. Enjoy it!
oh so good to hear from you again, Julia! best of luck darling! xo
You should totally watch the 7 up documentary series. I think it's about 6 or so different movies that follow a group of kids in England every seven years starting in 1964. You see how they grow up and what becomes of them. So interesting and its instant!!
We just watched Sherlock Holmes...it was pretty good; worth a peek on the Netflix que. My all time favorites are Breakfast at Tiffany's and You've Got Mail...both lovely movies if you haven't seen them :)
oh boy william, there is so much anticipation around your arrival. rest up, sweetheart!
enjoy your days and rest before the big event, you'll be using those teenie nappies soon!
: )
here's my movie list:
Wonder Boys
Conversations with other Women
Cinema Paradiso
Nanny McPhee
Garden State
Almost Famous
A Good Year
Lost in Translation
Galaxy Quest
Under the Tuscan Sun
Across the Universe
I cannot wait to hear about your little one!! What an exciting time, but i know these last few weeks can be so difficult!
PRayers for a safe delivery!
i can't wait until he arrives!! this is so exciting and you are all prepared.
movies for resting up, mini diapers, bags packed.
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