I have a thing for berries, can you tell? This, my dears, is me au naturel--no make-up, no hair product (no hair brushing for that matter), but you can see my new apron, I like it heaps!
P.S. He's been acting up a bit this week--so if you get a chance, send up a little prayer that he stays put for a few more weeks, his mama would appreciate it!
Oh, you are so pretty for spring! Love the apron! Happy Friday!
gorgeous, gorgeous mama! baby otter- you listen to her and stay put :)
This little Otter is very lucky to have such a lovely Mama. You now have me craving raspberries. Have a great weekend!
you are so cute! sending up a little one for you!
I love the apron and you are so lovely au naturel! Be good baby otter. Listen to your mama!
so pretty you are!! Those little boys always living on the wild side, prayers are being sent my dear! take a rest...love your apron!
you are so gorgeous. love those pink cheeks and that last photo is adorable. now, baby red otter, you just stay put because once you get here there's no turning back ;). have a good weekend! xo, c
Hmm berries are yummy! The little one should be loving it. You're very beautiful! You don't need make-up at all. Enjoy the weekend!
Love this post! You look fantastic!!!!!
How cute are you?! super.
How sweet are you!?! So lovely. The colors, berries and spring goodness is fantastic. :)
oh my, you are just darling! definitely praying.
You are beautiful!! Love the apron!! I have those same latte bowls in mint green---Anthropologie, right?? Love them!! Sending pryers your way. :)
these are such cute photos of you. can't wait to see a photo of you with your baby.
hey!!! Congrats! I had no idea :o) You look adorable!
You're too cute!!! Can't wait to see Williams:)
You're too adorable! And now, I want some berries of my own...they look delicious!
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