Every day presents us with an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. These past few days seem to have presented me with many opportunities. They weren't obvious or obnoxious, but, rather, by taking some time and plowing through some good, but tough conversations, I was able to learn a few key things about myself. Such as: the fall brings about an incredible hermit instinct in me. It's not just a retreat, it's retreat and then full defense of my retreat. Meaning, I withdraw and then get crabby about it. Also, for some strange reason I'm more susceptible to sad moments. Maybe you've never had these moments. They don't seem to make any sense but I feel them intensely. I'm just sad. Thankfully through lots of walks, daily vitamin D, and snuggles with Andrew I seem to work through them. It just takes longer in the fall. In any case, I'm learning! Learning about myself.
All images are from the ever lovely Gemma Comas
Darlin'-I think some of us feel a bit of melancholy with the onset of autumn. We've enjoyed the carefree summer months...and look what's ahead. Some of us have to face cold, snow, low light...etc.
You are not alone-thankfully you have sweet Andrew for cuddles. I light candles as evening approaches-that does help me-and some nice music and let's not forget soothing soups.
Sweet friend!
hugs your way each time you feel that intense sadness. I too sometimes feel that, it is hard to explain but it happens. Good that you are learning about yourself and now how to remedy the sadness to happiness (snuggles with Andrew:)
I would love to come up in the next few weeks, let me know what your schedule is like over the next months worth of weekends. Saturday or Sunday works for me.
Hello :) I think I understand the feeling you write about. Debra's comment said it perfectly. Wishing you happy happy days ahead.
What a touchingly honest post, Jewels... I hope your understanding brings you some clarity and helps you deal with this. Walks definitely help me hen I'm feeling blue. And cuddles; cuddles definitely help.
Sending lots of love your way,
i think i know what you mean. for me, the change in light in the autumn affects me similarly to you. so, i make sure the shades go up and lights go on as soon as i wake up. and, getting outdoors is really helpful, especially if someone's been huddled up in a coffee shop studying for too long ;). xo, cindy
Delicious photos! I loved your post. I love and hate those moments when something about myself becomes blatantly clear and it is not the best side of who I am. I recently realized that I am not the best in unfavorable circumstances - I become irritable and stressed. I definitely slip into this mode more often in the cooler months, so I totally get what you mean here! Thanks for your honest reflection!
I am very similar. Like Debra, I light candles to help cheer myself as the days grow shorter. Oh, and yesterday I made myself soup and apple crisp. Comfort is so important at this time of year.
Big hugs,
Oh my dear, the photos are beautiful and so is your post! It's sometimes hard for me to accept what I'm really like as appose to what I 'think' I'm like.
oh such a sweet post, darling! hope you're feeling better after snuggling with Andrew! xo
You can be certain you're not alone in feeling this way when the season changes from warm and sunny to chilled and dark. It's good that you can force yourself to get outside a bit, that always helps me out ;)
who hasn't felt intensely sad moments?
thank you for sharing. whoever said learning about ourselves was easy must know now much about who they are.
*hugs* to you.
I think a lot of us can relate. Although I do love the changing seasons, with that comes change. Sometimes the change happens all to fast and I find myself feeling alone and overwhelmed by it all. Having loving friends and family at the end of the day always seems to make it OK.
Even living in a warm place I can get those sad times for no apparent reason. My husband is a water sign and so he gets it a lot worse. I have to remind him of all the positive things in life and it usually seems to help him get out of that rut.
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