one: plonkas envelope clutch from dalinda
two: drenched silhouettes from JacquleenBleu
three: birds sleeping on powerline cup from baileydoesntbark
four: small pebble earrings from lesthings
This small collection of Etsy favorites seemed to fit my mood and the weather this morning. Soft, comfy with splashes of lightness. It's raining, but not dreary. I'm happy, but not hugely engaged. On the way into work I thought up five things that are ideal for rainy mornings: hot lattes, slippers and cozy fleece socks, Godsford Park, and hours of doing nothing. I have this funny feeling it's going to be a post full of lists! Here are five things I'm planning on doing this weekend: blind date with a delightful blogger friend, sew half a dozen books together for upcoming art show, go to godchild's confirmation, visit Original pancake house, go see The Duchess. Five places I would rather be right now: Scotland, Petoskey, Portsmouth, Duluth, home. Five things Andrew will be doing this weekend: school work, school work, school work, school work, going to see The Duchess with me *evil laugh*
Okay, now it's your turn! Five things of your choice! Tell me! :)
I just love Bailydoesntbark's new red line :) Have a fanastic weekend my lovely Otter!!
such lovely pebble earrings and love your lists!
hmm...5 things i'm doing this weekend:
1. going to the farmer's market
2. designing new "bonbon" tags to be letterpressed
3. baking my grandmother's apple cake recipe (i mean, how can i not with it being aples season and all)
4. going to see "Speed the Plough" Sunday (with Jeremy Piven--i mean not as my date, but he's in it!)
5. going to eat Szichuan food in Flushing at my favorite restaurant: Spicy & Tasty!
Your blog is so beautiful, very elegant.
I love those pebble earrings, great find!
Happy weekend! :)
Oh Julia, I love YOUR choices! My faves: the envelope clutch and those cute birds on the cup.
julia, i can see us drinking tea out of that adorable cup!!! i think i need to get that cup!!!
oh so cute.
have a great weekend!!!
ooh, forgot to add my five things! i still need to wake up so first on the list:
1. buy coffee for enjoying over this weekend.
2. friend Jewels, (country singer) is in from Nashville so we are going to dinner saturday at Tango Sur.
3. Photo album for my dad of our family present all the back to 1700's with family history (scotland line)
4. Play with my Pup and go on long walks.
5. Pack 5 boxes, so when i buy my cottage, i am ready to move:)
5 places i would like to be right now:
1. Los Angeles, visiting my sister!!! and adorable neices.
2. Scotland, visiting family
3. Los Angeles!
4. Scotland
5. Los Angeles and Scotland!
sounds like a fun one! Enjoy!
Give me about 5 minutes to think of something else to say :)
five things i would be doing this weekend:
1. meeting a lovely blogger friend.
2. shop for my godson's name day celebration
3. make a special breakfast for my boys
4. take some time to myself
5. bake an pumpkin pie
That clutch is gorgeous!
5 Things this weekend:
1) Watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall on Netflix
2) Decorating the house w/the varmints for halloween
3) Saturday morning Farmer's Market
4) Cooking Linguini with Clam Sauce
5) Snapping a bunch of fall pics
Have a faboo weekend!
I am so excited for your art show..I want to hear all about it.
Here is mine..
1. watching the Illini beat the Badgers in this Saturday's football game
2. finishing my nieces Halloween costumes (Alice and the Chesire cat)
3. A long fall walk with Abby thru a forest preserve
4. attending my sis's baby shower
5. a cozy afternoon nap
Hope you enjoyed your latte...funny how we always seem to run into each other in coffeeshops :)
love your friday favorites along with your journals.
my fab friday;
breakfast at our local diner, "sunnydale"
leftovers for my lunch
seeing "rachel's getting married"-movie with a friend
walking my dog
then after school kid's soccer....
i do love that cup! 5 places i'd rather be right now -
1. my neighborhood
2. my street
3. my apartment
4. my bedroom
5. in my bed taking a nap!
have a lovely weekend. please tell us if you like the duchess and more about your art show.
Love the clutch!
5 things I will be doing this weekend...
1.Dinner with friends
2.Test driving a car with my hubby
3.Having a "discussion" with my hubby (see#2)
4.Baking apple muffins
5.Touring Crofut Winery and Vineyard
Have a delightful weekend and enjoy the movie!
These images are perfect for helping me get through a hectic Friday morning! My five choices:
1. That cup! It's perfect. I want it.
2. Harney & Sons tea to go in the cup. With real cream.
3. A long morning in bed with my comforter and morning sunlight.
4. Pumpkin muffins.
5. A full one hour massage.
I love your list, especially those beautiful earrings!
My list...
1)All week long I care for my grandma with dementia, tonight (and into tomorrow) I'm getting a little break :)
2) My car lease is up, so I have to go to the dealership (wish me luck!)
3) Working on sanding my vintage parlor
4) Painting my vintage parlor
5) A whole lot of nothing :)
Have a wonderful weekend my dear!
I just love the moods you evokes with your choice of photos/items. These are so pretty and serene.
I love your picks...you have perfect taste. Seriously.
Hmm. Five things. I just bought a bunch of material and things today, so...five projects to start before/by the end of the year:
1. more cloth napkins
2. christmas presents for five friends
3. a pink/green quilt (my first! eek!)
4. crochet dishcloths
5. ...uh, whoops, guess I only have 4 :)
okay...here's five things I'm-up-to this weekend.
1. Celebrate my daughters first birthday 2. have couch/movie/snuggle time with my love 3. mop the kitchen floor 4. making fruit dip 5. sigh, breathe, relax...just in time for Monday.
That looks like a very fun weekend. =) Well, my weekend's going to be (1) mostly work (ah, the problem with leaving things undone), (2) a foot spa, (3) perhaps that movie of Richard Gere and Diane Lane (?), (4) Twilight re-reading, (5) sleep, lotsa. =)
just found you via shoptalk. love, love your blog!
I love those earrings!
Here are my 5 things:
1) unpack from trip to Chicago
2) play photog's assistant to my boyfriend at a portrait shoot this afternoon
3) dinner with friends, probably followed by too much Wii
4) a LONG walk with my neighbors and their dog
5) The Hooker Day Parade in downtown Hartford, which I will probably blog about on Monday.
woo! thanks for the inspiration, jewels! i did a post o'lists as well, in your honour!
I WANT THAT RING!!! It's beautiful! :)
I love your lists - they are always perfection and I find myself wanting to live out the moments you choose. Hope you are having an ejoyable weekend!
These lists are perfection - along with that amazing mug! Thanks for adding some loveliness into my day.
beautiful picks! lovely and feminine :)
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